Employee Links
The following are selected links that you may find useful as an employee of Concord Public Schools and/or Concord-Carlisle High School.
Frontline Insights Platform: We currently use Absence Management (formerly AESOP), Professional Growth (formerly My Learning Plan) and some of us use, Applicant Tracking (formerly Applitrack). To access the Frontline products app.frontlineeducation.com
- Submit your absence requests and check attendance balances here. Access your online professional development and salary tracker that automatically links to AESOP. And, manage and view your evaluation forms. app.frontlineeducation.com
Additional links with important information that will helpful can be found by logging into the appropriate employee web portal (see below). Once in the portal, navigate to “employee resources”, and then to the “information center.”
- Web Portals: CPS (Pre K – 8) and CCHS (9-12) web portals contain benefit information and forms as well as selected helpful links like DESE and MTRS.