Superintendent's Message
March 31, 2020
Dear Families:
We enjoyed recognition in this week’s METCO newsletter thanks to two great volunteers.
We also dropped off more supplies to Emerson thanks to our generous teachers.
Carlisle resident Lauree Eckler is coordinating a group called The Carlisle Neighborhood Response Team. This group of volunteers will shop for vulnerable Carlisle residents that do not have anyone else that can provide those services. Please see the following link both if you need help or would like to volunteer.
Open Table is a local food pantry. Their information is found here:
We continue to provide food at CCHS from 8:30 am-11 am every weekday. For more information or to offer a financial donation, please use this link:
Given these difficult times, please know that you can reach out to the administrators and counselors. We are working closely with a number of local agencies and are happy to make those connections for you.
On another note, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education asked that the schools share information about the 2020 census. I am sharing that here and will have you note the educational activities that are also available.
Census invitations have been sent to all residences, and families can respond online in 13 languages. Everyone who does not respond online will eventually receive a paper form in English and Spanish from the Census Bureau. (More information for parents is here.) In addition, online Statistics in Schools educational resources are available to use with students at home. An accurate count is vital in order to help our schools get needed resources.
March 30, 2020
Dear Families:
The students of our schools continue to lead by example and are found on social media and in the local press: A CCHS Social Distancing Birthday Party
The CMS Wind Ensemble made a special recording just as we closed school, not sure when anyone would hear them play:
We are a Challenge Success district meaning we belong to an organization of high performing schools that “challenge” the way we measure success in school. This message from their founder, Denise Pope, highlights what is important during the school closures- it isn’t all about academics.
Today, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and Commissioner Jeff Riley published the attached letter to parents reflective of the guidance DESE released about remote learning. As I mentioned last night, we are actively planning and will have more information to share shortly as to what this means to us locally.
The Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) Board of Directors met today to update the plans for the high school athletic season. Their vote sets the season to start no earlier than May 4, 2020, and end (inclusive of the regular season and tournament games) by June 27, 2020. MIAA updates its web page according to these changes:
If the virus has impacted your family, it is helpful for the school nurses to know that. If you are willing to communicate with them, it would be greatly appreciated.
Finally, with great thanks to CCHS teacher Elaine Picard, a dozen face shields were dropped off at Emerson today after being made on one of our 3D printers! A photo is posted on my Twitter feed (@cps_cchs).
File attachments:
March 29, 2020
Dear Families:
I start by sharing two great social media posts featuring students this weekend. They remind us to be grateful for those on the frontline of the medical work and to find ways to connect while we remain apart as a result of social distancing:
CCHS Football Tribute to Those on the Frontline:
CMS Student Plays for Her Neighborhood:
Thanks to Stella, Coach Reed, and all of the Members of the CCHS Football Team!
We will be using this week to review our current academic plan and to make decisions about what the plan looks like through the month of April or beyond. It takes a great deal of discussion among grade levels, departments, and across schools to make these decisions. Our original plan was meant to last through the first closure date of April 7 which remains our guideline. The Governor’s office did not give us a preview of the extension so we are reacting to it just as you are. We appreciate your patience while we make quality, organized, thoughtful plans. We will share information as soon as it is available as the week goes on.
The Concord Select Board postponed the election scheduled for Tuesday, March 31, 2020, until Thursday, June 11, 2020. Both Concord and Carlisle are looking to postpone the Annual Town Meetings that were originally scheduled for the week of April 27. Neither community has set a new date yet. Both towns have active webpages that provide up to date information:
Have a great night!
March 28, 2020
Dear Families:
Yesterday, the Carlisle Board of Health provided guidance as to social distancing which is found here: Social Distancing Letter (Carlisle Board of Health)
It was great that so many of you could attend the discussion online yesterday afternoon. The recording of the Virtual Coffee is posted here:
A good deal of time over the past few days has focused on the security and features of online video platforms. As could be expected when tools are introduced suddenly and without an ability to plan, we need to learn and revise their use accordingly. Currently, almost all of the optional Zoom usage is on the free platform. This week, we will expand the use of the securities within the program but do not feel they are sufficient for the long term. We are looking at acquiring a paid subscription with stronger safeguards. We opened Google Hangout today since that does have stronger security but has more limited function. Both tools allow for recordings to occur. As a result of these factors, later this week we will provide permission forms for student usage to ensure parents are aware of the factors in this online environment. The tools are optional for teachers. Parents can certainly opt students out at any time. Please let me or the building principals know if you have individual questions. If we knew this journey was coming, we would have researched, piloted and practiced with the tools as we usually do!
Finally, below you will find information for the next session sponsored by The Center for Parents and Teachers with Dr. Rachel Kramer on April 1, 2020.
Have a great evening!
The Center for Parents and Teachers in collaboration with Dr. Rachel Kramer invites parents/grandparents and guardians to join Dr. Kramer for a free parent education webinar:
Coping With Anxiety in Uncertain Times
Wednesday, April 1, 2020, at 10:30 AM
Dr. Kramer will be offering free, weekly webinars throughout the coronavirus crisis. Please visit her website to access recordings of past webinars, weekly newsletters for parents, and to sign up for future webinars. Unable to join in person on a Wednesday morning? Please feel free to email questions to Dr. Kramer in advance at and every effort will be made to address all questions and concerns during the webinar.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Password: 938799
Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +13126266799,,502207096# or +19292056099,,502207096#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833
Webinar ID: 502 207 096
International numbers available:
March 27, 2020
Dear Families:
Social distancing can be fun! I wandered down my street tonight to find a sign that said “Bear Hunt”. A few houses down, the neighbors placed 16 stuff bears scattered everywhere! The local Facebook page provides the information families need to find the bears throughout the community. Here’s a quick news story in TIME Magazine explaining this trend and how it works.
Today, we cancelled elementary parent conferences that were scheduled for April 1. These will not be rescheduled because of the closure extending to May 4, 2020.
Yesterday, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education posted guidance for school districts as to approaches to teaching and learning during the extended closure. We are reviewing the document, our own local needs and goals, and will share further information next week. It is attached here for your information.
I held a Virtual Coffee this afternoon that was again very well attended. It will be posted to the web page this weekend.
Please enjoy the beautiful weather!
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March 26, 2020
Dear Families:
This update includes a wide range of information of various kinds. All of the resources, information, and reminders seemed important to share.
The Concord Board of Health announced yesterday that a resident tested positive for COVID-19. Additional information is found on the town webpage:
We continue to collect supplies for Emerson. Yesterday, we dropped off more masks, gloves, etc. We will soon collect Lysol wipes, hand sanitizer, etc. from classrooms that the teachers generously indicated they would be willing to share. We will soon try to make our first protective equipment with a 3D printer.
Thank you for the charitable donations supporting the food distribution. Many of these are private donations in addition to a contribution from the Concord-Carlisle Community Chest and a Community Health Needs Assessment Grant. On a daily basis, between 40-60 families benefit from these donations. If you’d like to donate, please visit:
As a reminder to socially distance, this couple made the most of it having their wedding while family and friends celebrated from their cars:
The Concord Free Public Library is offering a ConcordReads Reading Program. More information is found here:
I was reminded that in the course of all of this, some groups of people (often of Asian background) are not being treated well because of associations made with the virus. I encourage you to read this article about racism and coronavirus which includes how to talk to children. I don’t believe there is a more important time to highlight our efforts on inclusion of all and cultural proficiency.
Tomorrow afternoon at 3 p.m. is the Virtual Coffee with the Superintendent and team. The Zoom information is provided below.
Our discussions of teaching and learning during the extended closure are underway. More to come soon!
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Mar 27, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: My Webinar
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +13126266799,,648763508# or +19292056099,,648763508#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833
Webinar ID: 648 763 508
International numbers available:
March 25, 2020
Good Evening,
I will host another Virtual Coffee with the Superintendent on Friday, March 27 at 3 p.m. The Zoom login information is provided below. The session will be recorded and posted. I hope you can attend!
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Mar 27, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: My Webinar
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +13126266799,,648763508# or +19292056099,,648763508#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833
Webinar ID: 648 763 508
March 25, 2020
Dear Families:
Governor Baker announced an extension of the school closure through May 4, 2020, at his press conference this afternoon. He and Commissioner of Education Jeff Riley discussed the goal that learning will continue during this time. I am actively working with the administrators and teachers to craft the plan for what that will look like for all students. We also expect further guidance from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education as to this plan, including special education and English Language Learners. In the course of this planning, we will account for the challenges we all face in balancing the needs of work, family, isolation and emotional and physical wellbeing.
I am enormously grateful for the strong foundation the faculty built over the past ten days for remote learning during this very difficult time. Please watch for additional information and specific details over the coming days.
March 24, 2020
Dear Families:
From the New York Times article below:
“Every individual acting preemptively can make a huge difference.”
You Can Help Break the Chain of Transmission (New York Times)
Thank you to the many of you who are so diligently cooperating. At the same time, please remember that this means kids should not get together, not play with each other, and not invite others to the house. You can make a huge difference.
The next Virtual Coffee with the Superintendent will be on Friday at 3 p.m. Please watch for Zoom login information to come soon.
Thank you for a successful first week of virtual learning activities! I know there may be questions. I’m offering additional feedback and reminders that I will then post to the FAQ document.
Can all teachers integrate Zoom or another live virtual opportunity for students?
As outlined in the letter provided on March 15, teachers are providing learning opportunities through various means. We have not mandated Zoom or other live activities as part of this process. We believe there are many means to connect with students that does not require live video transmission. Please contact me or the building principal if you have any questions.
Can my child receive special education services as outlined in the IEP?
Last week, we provided an overview of special education services during the school closure. Since school is not in session and we are not replicating the school day virtually, we are not offering special education services. Special education teachers are supporting students. Please reach out to the building principals or Director of Student Services, Ruth Grube, with questions.
Can we teach new material and provide more rigorous learning opportunities?
In the letter dated March 15, we presented the goals of the educational activities we are providing:
The goal in assigning students thoughtful activities is to give some structure to their days at home and offer continuity and connection for their return to school, not to replicate the learning that happens in a school day.
Through the Governor’s closure of school through April 7, that remains the focus. Equity and access are issues that must be considered and addressed before we can take on more. We also must work under the umbrella of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s advisories. Discussions of possible next steps will begin this week as we await word of plans for after April 7. We are actively gaining feedback from all stakeholders simultaneously. Extensive supplemental and enrichment activities are posted on the webpage.
Finally, I want to recognize the many, varied, creative things that are happening at every level. Virtual art galleries, radio shows, mystery readers, and Boston Celtic messages are a very short list of examples. My deep gratitude to everyone for the energy and effort to engage students despite the physical distance.
March 23, 2020
Dear Families:
I am sharing video resources tonight about the need for social distancing. They all make the same points in different ways as to why it is so important to stay apart now. Of course, use discretion in sharing with children as you know what your child is ready for.
From Khan Academy at an adult or high school level:
From PBS:
From Brain Pop:
Maria Trozzi (Author of Talking with Children About Loss, Co-Founder, Good Grief Program at Boston Medical Center, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Boston University School of Medicine, Program Director, Joanna’s Place, Psychotherapist/Grief and Resilience Specialist) provides a letter in how to support children of all ages during this time of separation from routine and classmates. Her letter is found here:
In business matters…
The Joint Concord and Concord Carlisle Regional School Committees meet virtually tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. The Zoom information and agenda are posted here:
For anyone with incoming Kindergarten age children, please know we have postponed Kindergarten registration indefinitely at all three elementary schools. The process was scheduled to begin this week. Please also share this with families of young children in the community.
I will say that the one thing not on my list tonight is the snow! It will be a long time before I complain about snow day decisions again!
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